We value relationships and atmosphere in our team. We try to make the best out of every get-together activity.
Competo comprises of people who have turned their passion into a career. A variety of experiences, expertise, and competencies are continually being translated into bold business ideas. These are then put into practice on the basis of an ‘all for one and one for all’ principle.

Matic Vošnjak
Partner, General Manager
- Strategic management /
- Business development /
- Sales
As the architect of Competo’s success story, Matic is always, one way or another, involved in every project of the firm – but he is also first past the post when it comes to causing mischief. Matic is in charge of the company’s strategic management, our partners’ business development, sales, and guiding the team towards pursuing ambitious goals. He also runs executive management selection projects. He began his career at the GetWork project, continued as a manager of the Novelus institution, until 2007 when he was employed by an international human resources agency first as an advisor for senior management recruitment and then as a manager of executive position recruitment and selection. Matic has learnt from experience that business is all about people, though it may be cliché to say this. He uses his active listening skills, interpretation abilities, and a solution focused approach to successfully guide his team and to maintain good business relations. When his lively mind needs some rest, Matic takes some time to play beach volleyball, tennis, or goes for a run in order to redirect his thoughts from ‘aims and collaboration’ to an ‘inhale, exhale’ mindset. Works like a charm in reducing stress.

Laura Smrekar
Partner, Head of Communications
- Marketing /
- Public Relations /
- Sales
Can you hear the fast clicking of high heels? Here comes Laura, who is in charge of marketing, PR, and leads projects with great passion and energy. As a graduate of Sinology, Laura started her career in an international employment agency, where she fell in love with human resources management. Her focus on people, perseverance, targeted orientation, and optimism are why Laura always does an excellent job. She enjoys sports and never runs out of motivation, loves cookery and great food, especially after a workout, but is happiest in the company of family and her four-legged friends. Despite several spilled cups of coffee and our hurried missions to save Laura’s documents, we cherish those stains as mementos of her whimsical office adventures.

Tina Novak Kač
Partner, Head of Sales
- Sales /
- Business development /
- Marketing
Many would roll their eyes at the sight of her busy and varied timetable, but Tina, Head of Sales, only smiles back. Attending meetings, meeting new people, and hearing interesting business stories make up the fabric of her ideal working day. Although she has a Master’s in Communication, she directed her career to sales – first at a business media agency and later at one of the biggest Slovene media magnates. Her career path led her all the way to South Africa, until she joined the Competo team in 2015. As a persistent and goal-orientated optimist, Tina believes in the goodness of people and knows that the right team will complete even the most challenging of projects. Tina makes sure that both her work and leisure timetables are ‘blazing’, as she spends her free time doing hot yoga, running with her hair blowing in the wind and sailing the seas.

Jasna Benko Živec
Senior Executive Search Consultant
- Pharmacy and medicine /
- Marketing and sales /
- HR
Competo’s members often discuss doctors and medication with Jasna, luckily not because of any illnesses in the team, but because of Jasna’s focus on pharmaceutical and medical projects. Sometimes we joke that she is more persistent and tenacious than a virus, because Jasna’s stubbornness, resourcefulness, and optimism give rise to satisfied clients and candidates, who often seek her advice even after the project was completed. Jasna began her career in an international HR agency as an undergraduate student of HR and after completing her course she took on the challenge of joining Competo’s founding team. She also took an important role of leading our talent sourcing team. Her hobbies and coffee dates have recently been replaced by cooing talks and games, because Jasna spends most of her free time with the newest addition to the family.

Miha Novak
Senior Executive Search Consultant
- Electric power industry /
- Energetics /
- IT technology
When it comes to recruitment and selection of the best candidates for positions in the electric power industry, energetics, and IT technologies, we always turn to Miha, who graduated in Electrical Engineering. He gained rich experience in designing and managing process automation systems and running projects to provide specialised solutions in efficient energy use. This allows Miha to apply his professional expertise in the process of selection and creating a perfect fit between the candidate and the employer. Miha soon assumed the role of technical director for these areas. As part of his independent business career, Miha cooperated in international engineering projects, working on construction of electrical substations and power lines. Despite the fact that we sometimes exchange puzzled and anxious glances, when his interviews last a long time, we always calm down in the end, knowing that another successful collaboration will take place.

Ana Domenis Cankar
Psychologist and Senior Consultant
- Psychological profiling /
- HR development /
- e-coaching
Ana is a university graduate psychologist who has always been interested in the hidden potential of people – in particular, how people can empower themselves to exploit these potentials in the direction of greater professional and life satisfaction. She is the one that covers a variety of projects within the field of HR development, from the implementation of workshops, designing of the competence models, profiling and coaching. Her orientation towards people, operability, tolerance and adaptability enable her to cope with many challenges at work. Her biggest disadvantage is the use of social networks or other modern applications. If you share a work desk with her, you can quickly notice that you run out of space because of her very creative organization of work surfaces. She also enjoys walks in the nature, old town houses and colorful people in towns. She likes to move her hips in the oriental rhythms and in the evening calming her over-thinking mind with meditation.

Maša Žilevski
Psychologist and Consultant
- Psychological profiling /
- HR development /
- e-coaching
Imagine Competo as a royal court. And as every royalty needs it’s jester, we have one too. It’s Maša, who is actively trying to find a way how to make jester a part of future of work. When she does put her cap and bells off, she is a part of HR development team. She is a part of our team buildings, assessment centres, workshops… She implements psychological assessments and is a part of Potendo team in which she works as a content creator. She is upgrading her psychological knowledge in field of Reality Therapy as she strives to one day become a psychotherapist.

Maša Budnar Radilović
Executive search consultant
When entering Competo offices, the first »hello« and a friendly smile surely comes from Maša, our Office Manager. Maša makes sure that everyone (including candidates, clients and Competo team) feels welcome and at home at Livarska 12. She strives for excellence, efficiency and timeliness and is known for staying calm and focused even in most stressful situations. We are very proud of her Event Management super powers: she co-authored an Event Management manual (Event from A to Z), was one of the finalists of Best Event Award competition and regularly shares her knowledge on international conferences. Thanks to her two young ones, her free time is soaked with Legos, reading books and playing hide-and-seek. She enjoys spending time with her husband, hanging out with friends and traveling. Even though she can rarely be seen wearing trousers in the office, she definitely puts them on when it comes to managing stresful situations and we are more than thankful for that!

Barbara Bungič Holešek
Talent recruiter
- Research and recruitment
When you enter Competo’s offices, Barbara, our talent recruiter, will be one of the first to great you and give you an encouraging smile. It was her upskilling at HR conferences that inspired Barbara, a law graduate, to work in HR and join Competo’s forces. Barbara takes advantage of the quiet moments in the office by researching the employment market with great detail. She will not rest until she finds an exquisite group of candidates for our clients. She devotes all her spare time to reading, baking, and hanging around with friends, but if she gets the chance, she will escape to the seaside.

Chief Energy Officer
Blue became a Competo team member in August 2017. He is very lively, temperamental, entertaining, but also very kind, bright, brave, and extremely self-confident. He loves being outdoors on long walks and playing with his other four-legged friends. Despite his small size, Blue has got the nature of a large dog and is not easily scared. His charm and playfulness make Competo’s team and our visitors happy. From time to time, he gets into mischief and then makes our day. Blue is our source of energy, laughter, and good company.