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Stronger together: Competo and Inštitut CAR as one team

Z združitvijo bomo ustvarili pogoje v katerih bomo našo strast do odgovornega dela na HR področju združili v celovito storitev strankam, ki...

How will Millennials Manage Generation X - Part 2

You don’t need to be born between 1984 and 2004 to appreciate...

Your Workplace is Filled with Millennials—but Built by Boomers

By: Jamie Notter, Co-Founder and Culture Consultant, Human Workplaces     Nearly every workplace (except for the very, very small ones) is...

How will Millennials manage Generation X - part 1

Am I pro-Millennial?  Of course I am.  It’s the mindset I’ve adopted (digital, experiential, making a difference to the world) that are the so...

The Future of Intergenerational Cooperation

By: Jamie Notter, Co-Founder and Culture Consultant, Human Workplaces About a decade ago, a new generation started entering the workforce (the...

Competo values: how we transfer them into partnerships

Competo je letos dopolnil 8 let in kljub temu da je tako v ekipi, kot v delovnih procesih prišlo do veliko inovacij, naše ključne vrednote...

VIDEO: HR hackathon "The Future of Work"

We captured the creative spirit of HR hackathon in the video clip....

Towards a better future of work: HR hackathon

The first HR hackathon »The future of work« was a success – more than 70 individuals from all generations with various professional backgrounds...